Fortune Cats with Nine Irons

Fortune Cats with Nine Irons opens with Se Ri Park’s first day of retirement from the world of golf.  To her astonishment she falls in love with a professional hockey player within hours of playing her last game. 

The unflappable former world number one golfer’s retirement is far more than a marriage made at heaven’s gate in a hospital room.  The first person narrative includes a disastrous business deal, an attempt on her life after the Academy Awards ceremony and an adversary being fed to the sharks off the Florida coast.  Post LPGA career, everyone in Se Ri’s inner circle of family and friends has their life change as Korea’s favourite daughter becomes known as The Hellcat of Jupiter Island.

The Hellcat’s pride with Grandma as Tiger Cat, adopted daughter Yu Na as Kiddiecat and beloved husband Leo the Lion King, form an audacious plan to dominate golf’s U.S. Open.  The men’s game did not have a trophy presentation that year.

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